Worldcoin News: Operators Will Reward from USDC to WLD


Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency project co-founded by Sam Altman, recently announced a change in its operator rewards system. Instead of receiving USD Coin (USDC) stablecoins, project operators will now be rewarded in Worldcoin’s native coin, WLD.

The Role of Worldcoin Operators

Worldcoin operators play a crucial role in the project as they operate the Orb biometric imaging device. This device, developed by Tools for Humanity, scans individuals’ eyeballs to verify their personhood. The concept behind this scanning technique is that every person’s eyes are unique, much like a fingerprint.

The Previous Operator Rewards System

Before this recent change, Worldcoin operators received rewards in the form of USDC stablecoins. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to minimize price volatility by being pegged to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency like the US dollar. USDC is a widely recognized stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar, meaning each USDC token represents one US dollar.

The Reasons for the Change

Worldcoin has shifted from USDC to its native WLD token for operator rewards for several reasons. Firstly, by rewarding operators in WLD tokens, Worldcoin aims to create a more integrated ecosystem. The WLD token will be used within the Worldcoin network for various purposes, including facilitating transactions and incentivizing participation.

Secondly, Worldcoin wants to align its operators’ incentives with the project’s long-term success. By rewarding operators with WLD tokens, they become more invested in the growth and adoption of the Worldcoin network. This aligns with Worldcoin’s goal of building a decentralized global currency that anyone can access and use anywhere.

The Potential Impact on Operators

The change from USDC to WLD rewards may have positive and negative implications for Worldcoin operators. On the positive side, WLD tokens potentially offer more value appreciation than USDC stablecoins. If the Worldcoin network gains widespread adoption and the value of WLD increases, operators could benefit from holding these tokens.

However, there is also a risk associated with this change. Unlike USDC stablecoins, which have a fixed value of one US dollar, the value of WLD tokens can be subject to volatility. If the value of WLD tokens were to decrease significantly, operators may experience a decrease in the value of their rewards. This volatility is a common characteristic of many cryptocurrencies and should be considered by operators when participating in the Worldcoin project.

Tools for Humanity and Biometric Imaging

The Worldcoin project utilizes a biometric imaging device called Orb, developed by Tools for Humanity, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and distributing low-cost medical devices to underserved communities. Orb is designed to scan individuals’ eyeballs and generate unique identifiers based on the patterns found. This scanning process provides a secure and reliable method for verifying individual personhood.

The Importance of Personhood Verification

Personhood verification is a crucial aspect of the Worldcoin project. By verifying a person’s identity through their eyeball scan, Worldcoin aims to ensure that each individual receives a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the global economy. Traditional identity verification methods, such as government-issued identification cards, can be inaccessible or unreliable for many people, particularly in developing countries. Using biometric imaging technology provides a more inclusive and efficient solution for verifying personhood.


Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency project co-founded by Sam Altman, has changed its operator rewards system. Instead of receiving USDC stablecoins, project operators will now receive rewards from Worldcoin’s native WLD tokens. This change aims to create a more integrated ecosystem and align operator incentives with the long-term success of the project.

The Orb biometric imaging device, developed by Tools for Humanity, is crucial in verifying personhood within the Worldcoin network. This change in rewards has the potential for both positive and negative implications for operators, as the value of WLD tokens can be subject to volatility. However, Worldcoin’s overall vision is to create a decentralized global currency that is secure, inclusive, and accessible to all.

  • 2023-10-23